Introduction of connector standards


1、Definition of standard

A standard is a unified provision made for repetitive things and concepts. It is based on the comprehensive results of science, technology and practical experience, approved by consensus of the parties concerned and published in a specific form by the competent authority as a guideline and basis for common compliance.

2、Standardization and its role

The process of developing standards, organizing the implementation of standards and supervising the implementation of standards, this organized activity is called standardization.

The main role of standardization is expressed in the following aspects.

1) Standardization is the basic means of organizing socialized production. Standardization is the bridge of socialized production, and is the basis for organizing specialized production and collaboration.

2) Standardization promotes the rational development of product varieties, so that social needs can be better met. 3) Promote the widespread application of new achievements in science and technology, and promote the improvement of social productivity. 4) To ensure the reasonable level of product quality and protect the legitimate interests of consumers and producers.

5) Standardization is a bridge to strengthen international technical, economic, scientific and cultural exchanges and promote the development of the internationalization trend of human society.

6) To promote the rational use of natural resources, protect the ecological balance, and safeguard the current and long-term interests of human society.

7) To establish the normal order of social life and protect a good working and living environment. 1. 3 Classification of standards

For different purposes, standards can be classified from a variety of different perspectives. There are three main classifications, namely, nature classification, object classification and hierarchical classification.

3, According to the nature classification method can be divided into two categories of standards: technical standards and management standards.

According to the object classification method can be divided into two categories of standards for hardware standards and software standards. For the material form of the object, such as products, equipment, parts, raw materials, semi-finished products and other standards are hardware standards. Non-material objects, such as work, procedures, operations, methods, concepts and other standards are software standards.

According to the hierarchical classification method can be divided into different levels and levels of standards. From today's worldwide perspective, there are categories of international standards, national group standards, national standards, industry standards, local standards and enterprise standards. For example, the level of our standards is divided into national standards, industry standards, local standards and enterprise standards. The three classifications are made from three different perspectives on the same set of standards, and must be used to maintain a consistent perspective and not mixed. Otherwise, it will produce confusion.

In addition to the above three main classification methods, there are other classification methods. For example, according to the role of standardized objects in the production process, the standard can be divided into product standards, component standards, raw material standards, process tooling standards, equipment standards, basic standards and other categories.

4, the standard system and standard system table

A certain range of standards in accordance with their internal links to form a scientific organic whole, known as the standard system. The standard system has the basic characteristics of purpose, coordination, hierarchy, set and dynamics.

A certain range of standard work within the standard system arranged in a certain form of chart, known as the standard system table. The component unit of the standard system table is the standard, not the product.

Standard system table includes a certain period of time, a certain scope of the standard system should be all the standards. That is, including the existing standards should be retained and the standards should be revised and developed.

The standards in the standard system table is arranged in a certain form to indicate the internal linkage between the standards and the dependence and constraints of the relationship. This arrangement is generally manifested in the form of standard classification combinations and hierarchical structure.

5, mandatory standards and recommended standards

According to the provisions of the standardization law, China's national standards, industry standards are divided into mandatory standards and recommended standards

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Introduction of connector standards

A standard is a unified provision made for repetitive things and concepts. It is based on the comprehensive results of science, technology and practical experience, approved by consensus of the parties concerned and published in a specific form by the competent authority as a guideline and basis for common compliance.